Tuesday 16 July 2013


We began our morning with a family bike ride/run- I was on the bike with Euan and Husband ran with Romilly. I am feeling good and slowly introducing fitness back into my life after TWO years of pregnancy!  *chuckle*

Last week while Steve's Mom was here she pointed out the spinach in our garden. Somewhere between May and the birth of Romilly, the contents of my crop had been forgotten-mainly the spinach. Lesson learned, planting spinach, rocket and lettuce unlabelled, mere inches away from each other, and expecting to remember after the birth of of Romilly might not have been my brightest idea. All was not lost...Although I was reminded last week what it was, I had thought it was part of the  rocket (arugula) patch and have been using it in our salads all season! Here is a set pictures from last night using our mixed greens and a few additions from the fridge. I spent yesterday morning cleaning up the garden and putting in some sticks so my snap peas have somewhere to climb. 

Next year we will either have less vegetables or a bigger plot- so many lessons, but so worth it. I am proud of our garden. 

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