Wednesday, 9 July 2014


My friend Angela asked a few of us if we wanted to see Lady Gaga at the RBC Blues Festival last weekend. I'm not a fan, but I am YES girl who is always up for something new. I had no idea what I was getting myself into having never seen Lady Gaga or bought tickets for Blues fest before. It was crazy busy!  We strolled in just as she came on stage having started our evening at The Mill Street Brew Pub which was packed but we found some great seats on the patio and they had a table for us in no time.

Clearly we had no idea what to expect because there were about 20,000 people in front of the stage and little hope of getting anywhere near it.  Super fans had lined up from 4am to crowd the front of the stage.

 Lady Gaga put on a great show and made it worth it for all the early morning riser super fans who Gaga calls her little monsters. For us, we got what we put in. Late arrival meant we were not getting anywhere near the stage but our friend Catherine got us as close as the crowd would let her. Thanks Catherine! I was thankful for a few solid glimpses of Lady Gaga on the stage during her many wardrobe changes.  She sang most songs from her ArtRave tour but included all of her hits for the Top 40 crowd. (Me)  I bee bopped around to Poker Face & Just Dance holding my hand bag and trying to avoid the heavy smoke wafting my way. I definitely had some Lady Mama THOUGHTS... what the heck am I doing at an outdoor concert with 27,000 other people? Overall I had a fabulous time with the girls and I can now check seeing an international superstar at an outdoor festival off " The List "

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