Friday, 15 November 2013


L introduced Fit Friday last Friday, a set of blog posts that we will be taking turns writing each week. My hope is that Laura's and my posts will help keep us motivated and maybe inspire you too.

A little bit of my story:

To say my husband enjoys being in the kitchen is an understatement. It's a blessing and a curse. There is never a shortage of bread, cakes or cookies in the house. Steve will make whatever I fancy on any given evening. About a month after meeting, Steve invited me to dinner at his home. He introduced  me to Risotto that night-  my god, it was heavenly.  By the time we moved to England together I was already up a dress size. While living in England and traveling through Europe, we easily over indulged in all the finer things in life-wine, cheese and fabulous puddings to name just a few. If you've been following my blog you already have a pretty good idea of what I'm talking about.  Five years and two babies later, I hope to curb the over eating, and exercise. I don't have a lot of free time these days and my energy is pretty low. My children are 5 and 20 months.  Steve suggested I might want to join a run clinic. I had enjoyed the results of running in the past and I thought it would be a good start. On Oct 21 (my birthday), I started a running clinic at the Running Room in our neighborhood. This week especially was difficult for me- the weather hasn't been ideal, but I dragged my butt out of the house and worked hard. It felt great!

 Now if only I could control the sweet tooth and extra calories I've been eating while breastfeeding I'll be able to pull out some of my old clothes which have been stored in THE LOFT for the past few years.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Love the loft theme.
    Happy to hear you pushing through running!
