Saturday afternoon after we came back from skating the boys whipped up a batch of easy
Nigella cupcakes in our Cuisinart to take to the Davey's house for dessert. Euan is a great little helper and loves being in the kitchen whenever something is being made. Steve has definitely passed on his culinary skills to our kids. I brought over the icing and sprinkles so the kids to decorate the cupcakes themselves after dinner. I felt a little bad for Dawn having sprinkles spread across her floor until their dog Freida came over and licked them all up with his big tongue. Slurp! It made me laugh and wish I had a dog to gobble up all the mess my kids through on the floor.
Here are the ingredients.
125 grams self-raising flour
125 grams caster sugar
125 grams soft unsalted butter
2 large eggs
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons milk
You can find the rest of the method HERE
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