The festivities started on Thursday evening when G & T showed up for a surprise dinner. Tammy made me the most amazing strawberry shortcake. I will definitely be getting the recipe for it!
Friday started with the boys bringing me up flowers and breakfast in bed. Steve told me he was taking the day off *tear.* In the afternoon, we all set out to Blaise Castle for a hike in our wellies! That evening Steve took C and I for dinner at the Glass Boat. Amazing!
Saturday, I woke up early and took the train to Bath to meet the Canadian girls for a morning at the private Cross Bath Spa. We ended our morning with lunch at Same-Same But Different. It was lovely to spend some time with the girls I knew and meet some of the new girls that have recently moved to England. I left Bath around three and trained back to Bristol to meet one of my besties aka-Angel Of The North Ailsa, who had come down for the night. It was really great to catch up it had been ages since we have really shared. A proper girls night.
I ended the long weekend last night driving up to the Lakes to have dinner with the the other AOTN Kim and Anna. We ate at the local favourite Francesca's. The Angels Of The North always make me laugh and make me feel like I'm just where I should be.
I'm in Barrow for the next few days. It's half term for Connor, and Steve has business. The next few days I'd like to golf, hike Hoad Hill and check out the South Lakes Wild Animal Park. What ever the weather and whatever we do I know it will be fun. I think the Lakes is my favourite place on earth!
I am overwhelmed by the kindness and love of my family and friends and feel super- blessed that I have such amazing people in my life. May the next year be just as awesome as the last! xoxo
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